Riparian Restoration

Riparian areas are lands that border rivers, streams, lakes, and other waterways.

Stable riverbanks with strong native plant communities – riparian buffers – are part of a healthy ecosystem. Riparian buffers provide important nesting and foraging sites for a variety of bird species and contribute to healthy habitat through cool water temperatures, biotic inputs, and woody debris. Riparian buffers also reduce sediment and nutrient inputs into our waters by filtering and absorbing runoff from residential areas and farms. The active revegetation of riparian areas through plantings can greatly accelerate the natural recovery process of important riparian functions, such as slowing down flood waters.

ACRWC organizes plantings along streams and rivers in Addison County, especially in areas where woody vegetation is minimal or absent. Working with landowners and other partners, we plant a variety of native tree and shrub species to ensure structural and ecological diversity and long-term viability of the riparian area.

2024 Riparian Restoration Projects

In May of 2024, ACRWC completed two large planting projects in riparian areas in New Haven and Bridport. With the help of a team of wonderful volunteers, we planted hundreds of native trees and shrubs. Once the trees are planted, there are many opportunities to help with their maintenance to help them grow!

What Happens at a Riparian Planting?

  • Site preparation with weed whacking and plant transportation

  • Planting tree and shrub seedlings using spades, planting bars, and an auger.

  • Pounding live willow stakes into the ground. Other tree species are planted as live stakes, as well.

  • Placing weed suppression mats around the saplings.

  • Post-planting maintenance that includes watering and weeding throughout the summer and fall.

Volunteers planting trees in a riparian area in Bridport